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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Social Work|Health Sciences, Nursing|Gender Studies":


Lyons, Karen. „Women, Migration and Social Work“. Affilia 32, Nr. 2 (18.04.2017): 243–46.

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Recent events in the United Kingdom have implications for the migration of women. Migrant women feature significantly in the staffing of the National Health Service and the social care sector, both currently under economic and political pressure. International labor mobility is also evident in the social work profession, though transnational social workers constitute only a very small proportion of the workforce. The recent vote to leave the European Union (EU) raises questions about the trend from recruitment of social workers from English-speaking countries to those from the EU. The role of social workers in relation to migrants is considered.

O’Dell, Kristi. „Book Review: Women’s Work, Health, and Quality of Life“. Affilia 20, Nr. 1 (Februar 2005): 120–21.

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Rizzo, Victoria M., Matthew R. Vail und Bonnie Ewald. „Book Review: Social work and integrated health care: From policy to practice and back“. Affilia 34, Nr. 3 (03.09.2018): 405–6.

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Donovan, Rebecca. „Home Care Work: A Legacy of Slavery in U. S. Health Care“. Affilia 2, Nr. 3 (September 1987): 33–44.

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Levinger, Miriam, und Einav Segev. „Admission and completion of social work programs: Who drops out and who finishes?“ Journal of Social Work 18, Nr. 1 (01.06.2016): 23–45.

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Summary This study explored differences between 389 Israeli students in a Social Work department who finished their studies and 120 students who began, but did not complete their degree. Three groups of variables were compared: demographic variables (gender and age), test scores (on the matriculation and psychometric exams), and assessment of participation in a group interview prior to acceptance. Findings Except for gender, there were no significant differences between the students who finished their studies and those who dropped out. Among the students who completed their degree, only women, who received a higher score on the psychometric test, finished their studies with a higher grade point average. Only the men, who had a higher score on their matriculation exams, ended with a higher grade point average. The results also showed that, for the men, there was a significant positive correlation between the assessment of their performance on the interview and the final grade point average. Furthermore, there were significant correlations between the way the candidates were categorized by the interviewers and the overall assessment they received on this criterion. Applications The results of this study add support to previous research that showed that gender and the scores on the matriculation and psychometric exams are connected to success in social work programs. In addition, it was found that the pre-acceptance group interview can differentiate between those candidates who will complete their studies and those who will not. These findings can hopefully help social work departments improve the procedures they use in their admissions’ mechanisms.

Bromfield, Nicole F., Meg Panichelli und Moshoula Capous-Desyllas. „At the Intersection of COVID-19 and Sex Work in the United States: A Call for Social Work Action“. Affilia 36, Nr. 2 (11.01.2021): 140–48.

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The emergence of COVID-19 in the United States in early 2020 has severely disrupted the lives of most Americans, and people engaged in sex trade are no exception. People in sex work encounter multiple challenges when trying to access the services they need, particularly as they fear arrest, stigma, and pathology related to their work. These barriers have been amplified during the global COVID-19 pandemic, as sex trade workers may further lack access to crucially needed health care and may not have a mechanism for generating a basic income to meet their daily survival needs. Using an intersectional feminist lens, in this article, we discuss the impact of COVID-19 on people in sex work while highlighting sex workers’ resiliency and community action in the face of the pandemic. We highlight empowerment work led by black and brown sex worker communities. As authors and advocates, we call for critical feminist social work action that situates social workers as advocates for the human rights, well-being, and health of individuals in sex work, with a focus on centering the voices of those with lived experience and a focus on harm reduction, during and in the lingering aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Liddell, Jessica L. „Reproductive Justice and the Social Work Profession: Common Grounds and Current Trends“. Affilia 34, Nr. 1 (02.10.2018): 99–115.

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Reproductive rights and justice frameworks, which take an intersectional and social justice approach to reproductive health, are compatible with social work’s philosophical and theoretical foundations and its practical goals of advocating and promoting social justice. However, reproductive rights and justice are not frequently addressed in social work publications, an important gap that should be addressed. The search term “reproductive justice” was used to identify 10 articles published between 1994 and 2018 among the top 50 social work journals (using SCImago Journal and Country rankings). Only 3 of these 10 articles focused substantively on reproductive justice. By comparison, 55 article were identified with the search term “reproductive rights.” An analysis of the reproductive justice articles was conducted for purpose and topic, location, study population, year, journal, key findings, and implications for the social work profession. All articles called for an increase in research on reproductive justice topics. Encouragingly, these articles also included an analysis of the role of the social work profession with these frameworks. However, there is a lack of articles on reproductive justice, and the range of topics, and the methodological approaches, covered are limited. Although the increase in reproductive rights literature is heartening, there is a need for reproductive justice framings in social work practice and research.

Klemmer, Cary L., und Kathleen A. McNamara. „Deep Ecology and Ecofeminism: Social Work to Address Global Environmental Crisis“. Affilia 35, Nr. 4 (13.12.2019): 503–15.

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There is emerging global agreement that environmental change is one of the greatest threats to ecosystems, culture, health, and economies of humankind. In response to these environmental changes and the expected human vulnerability they will continue to produce, the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare has highlighted intervention to address the human impacts of the changing climate as one of the profession’s grand challenges. This article troubles the often anthropocentric worldview from which such responses emerge and proposes a framework informed by the wisdom of deep ecology and ecofeminism. Born from critical methodologies that question the rigid bifurcation and valuation of male/female and human/nonhuman, these perspectives invite social workers to think in novel ways about environmental challenges. We argue that the social work profession, which has historically sought to disturb power dynamics and reprioritize society’s needs, is uniquely situated to think holistically about responding to this crisis. By honoring the interrelated nature of human and nonhumankind, social workers can more mindfully lead the social planning and advocacy efforts necessary to meet this grand challenge.

MacDougall, Christiana. „Childbirth Distress: A Call for Professional Engagement“. Affilia 35, Nr. 3 (09.09.2019): 376–96.

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Among women who give birth, roughly half describe their birth experiences as traumatic. Childbirth trauma is a topic of growing global interest for health and mental health professions. However, social work remains peripheral in this emerging area of scholarship and practice. This article presents a portion of findings from recent feminist narrative social work research exploring women’s narratives of their experiences of emotional distress in childbirth to illustrate the need for increased professional engagement with this important social issue. Analysis of participants’ narratives illustrates how Foucault’s discourse and power/knowledge can be useful in understanding the subtle social forces that shape birth experiences which may result in emotional distress. In this article, I argue the topic of childbirth distress falls within the reproductive rights framework and should be of importance to social workers. The findings presented below are discussed in the context of the International Federation of Social Workers’ ethical principles and its policy statement on women to support this position.

Jenney, Angelique, und Deinera Exner-Cortens. „Toxic Masculinity and Mental Health in Young Women“. Affilia 33, Nr. 3 (07.03.2018): 410–17.

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The recent release of the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why, which focuses on the suicide of an adolescent girl, has been accompanied by a large amount of social commentary. However, most of this commentary focuses on the suicide itself and does not consider how the series constructs the root causes of suicide. In this brief article, we argue that from a feminist social work perspective, the series highlights a key root cause of mental health problems—sexual violence—and that the discussion of this violence has been woefully absent in the commentary on the series. To support this argument, we highlight relevant examples from the show and discuss three key themes: (1) the overwhelming presence of toxic masculinity, (2) slut-shaming as a form of devaluing the female body and female sexual expression, and (3) the failure of adult systems to adequately respond to youth. We then provide suggestions for adults who work with youth around how to better engage in critical discourse about series content.

Dissertationen zum Thema "Social Work|Health Sciences, Nursing|Gender Studies":


Young, Susan Elaine. „A qualitative analysis of aftercare service provision for survivors of sex trafficking in North Carolina“. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2013.

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Anderson, Tasia. „Perspectives of transgender individuals on gender identity, the transition process, and the mental health profession“. Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2013.

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The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the experiences and perceptions of individuals who self-identified as trans gender or gender variant on gender identity and mental health care. The study sought to uncover the effectiveness and preparedness of mental health professionals in addressing issues of gender identity, through participants' experiences.

Fifteen individuals who identified variously on the transgender spectrum participated in the study. Results suggest that mental health professionals are generally unprepared and inexperienced in addressing transgender issues. Participants pointed to trans gender support groups and LGBT organizations as the most helpful services. Implications show the need for mental health professionals to seek out education on the trans gender community, and to assist clients in exploring alternative identities that transcend the gender binary. Additional research that focuses on mental health disparities among the trans gender population is also an implication emerging from this study.


Anderson, Jennifer Anne. „Understanding Male Nursing Student Perceptions of the Influence of Gender| A Qualitative Case Study Approach of Students, Faculty, and Administration in a Pacific Northwest Nursing Program“. Thesis, Portland State University, 2014.

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In contemporary American society, the nursing profession is predominantly made up of white women. Currently, males make up only 6.8 percent of the three million nursing professionals in the U.S. and they are considered gender minorities within the nursing profession and within nursing education. As gender minorities, male students are identified as experiencing nursing programs and the practice of nursing differently than their female counterparts.

The purpose of this single instrumental, within site case study was to explore the learning environment for male nursing students and to investigate the nature of the interactions between nursing faculty and male undergraduate students in a Pacific Northwest medical university nursing program. Data was collected in the educational setting through observations, participant interviews, and document analysis. In addition, this study used Kanter's theoretical framework of tokenism to uncover if male nursing students were perceived as tokens in the educational environment. The findings showed that the faculty-student interactions were largely positive; they also revealed that having other males in the class was an instrumental factor in their positive perception of their educational experience. However, the male nursing students also identified areas of discomfort in the educational setting, specifically when practicing clinical skills with female peers, feeling pressured to volunteer and to expose skin during in-class demonstrations, and anticipating that they would be excluded from certain clinical situations. This research indicated that gender differences are present within nursing education and contributed to instances of discomfort for male students. Specific barriers occurred most often when men engaged with female peers and were in clinical settings. These findings provide new insight into when and where men begin to experience gender barriers in the educational environment and are pertinent to understanding the educational environment for men in nursing. Recommendations specifically geared towards assisting students in their first term are suggested for nursing faculty and administrators to ensure that the learning environment is welcoming for men. These recommendations include consciously placing males together in cohort groups and in clinical experiences, reducing instances of visibility and pressure on men in the clinical setting, building faculty awareness of perceived and real barriers for men in the educational setting, and providing faculty with tools to assess and address barriers that are present in the classroom environment.


Maldonado, Yuli Karen. „Factors associated with outpatient mental health services among adolescents“. Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2014.

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The purpose of this study was to explore the association between adolescent characteristics, community factors and mental health. This was achieved by completing a quantitative study analyzing secondary data obtained from a mental health agency in Orange County, California, and an online database, The results rendered a statistically significant relationship between age and those who had the presenting problem of depression, relational problems, and poor coping. A statistically significant relationship between females and poor coping was also revealed. The most interesting finding, however, was the statistically significant relationship between presenting problems in relation to their community factors. Both poverty levels and educational attainment less than high school among the residents in the communities where these adolescents live were associated with depression and relational problems. The findings of this study are beneficial in identifyirig the need for further research regarding the relationship between educational attainment and mental health.


Boyd, Covia M. „Predicting Response Patterns to Sexual Violence against Women among Asian College Students Studying in Taiwan: An Exploratory Study“. Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2015.

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Sobon, Michelle. „A Preliminary Perspective for Identifying Resilience and Promoting Growth Among Survivors of Sex Trafficking“. Wright State University Professional Psychology Program / OhioLINK, 2015.

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Cummings, Devon Leeann. „Using Social Cognitive Career Theory to Conceptualize and Develop a Measure of the Barriers to Career Choice for Individuals Who Have Criminal Records“. University of Akron / OhioLINK, 2008.

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Hrouda, Debra R. „Factors Associated With Readiness For Treatment In A Sample Of Substance-Dependent, Trauma-Exposed Incarcerated Women“. Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2014.

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Clune, Tarynn N. „Experiences and Perspectives of Activity Facilitators in Memory Care“. Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2020.

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Huff, Nicole S. „Social support, God locus of health control, and quality of life among African American breast cancer survivors“. Thesis, Central Michigan University, 2013.

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As African American (AA) breast cancer survivors live longer with the disease, much attention should be directed to quality of life and factors influencing it. An understanding of survivors' belief that God controls their health and their social support needs is necessary as an effort to develop health care services and programs that are culturally sensitive. This study was the first to explore the association between an individual's belief that God controls their health, social support and quality of life among AA breast cancer survivors. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between social support, God Locus of Health Control (GLHC) and quality of life (QoL) among the survivors residing in Illinois. This study's alternative hypotheses predicted after controlling for age, location of residence, marital status, and time since diagnosis, social support and GLHC, combined and individually, would positively correlate to QoL for AA breast cancer survivors.

The study used a descriptive, correlational and quantitative design by testing the variables using hierarchical multiple regression and Pearson correlation. A convenience sample of 92 AA women was recruited from a community hospital, a Federally Qualified Health Centers, a beauty shop, two support groups, a member association that advocates for health care disparities, and local newspapers. Quantitative measures included Social Support Questionnaire (Northouse, 1988), GLHC scale (Wallston et al., 1999), Quality of Life Index - Cancer Version III (QLI - CV III) (Ferrans, 1990), and Demographic Characteristics form created by researcher.

Results concluded QoL was not affected by social support and GLHC, combined, and GLHC, individually. However, social support was a predictor of QoL. Statistically significant relationships were found between social support, QoL and its domains: a) health and functioning subscale, b) social and economic subscale, c) psychological/spiritual subscale and d) family subscale. Statistically significant relationships were not found between GLHC and QoL and its domains. The mean score for social support and GLHC scales were low compared to prior study results. The QLI - CV III mean score was moderately high compared to other study results.

Additional findings concluded women residing in the suburb had statistically significant higher mean QoL than those living in the rural or urban areas of Illinois. Also, married women in this sample had a higher mean QoL than unmarried women. Although AA breast cancer survivors' QoL was not increased by their belief that God controlled their health and the mean social support score was low, the study results provided valuable information for future research and the development of social support programs that are culturally sensitive.

Bücher zum Thema "Social Work|Health Sciences, Nursing|Gender Studies":


Price-Glynn, Kim. Strip club: Gender, power, and sex work. New York: New York University Press, 2010.

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Lu, Jinky Leilanie Del Prado. Gender, information technology, and health. Diliman, Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, 2005.

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Finkler, Kaja. Women in pain: Gender and morbidity in Mexico. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994.

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Bird, Chloe E. Gender and health: The effects of constrained choices and social policies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

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Brown, Jennifer. Gender and policing: Comparative perspectives. New York, N.Y: St. Martin's Press, 2000.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Social Work|Health Sciences, Nursing|Gender Studies":


Vostral, Sharra L. „Of Mice and (Wo)Men: Tampons, Menstruation, and Testing“. In The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies, 673–86. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Abstract Vostral provides much-needed insight into the link between women’s bodily experiences with tampons and twentieth-century developments in material science, corporate research, and gynecological observations about menstrual cycles. She examines how design modifications to tampons, changes in material composition, and the cultivation of women test subjects exposed scientific assumptions, ideas about safety, and attitudes concerning gendered and menstruating bodies. Focusing on the practical work of tampon testing, Vostral examines the impact of broad cultural conditions: prevailing ideas about women’s bodies, gender differences, and the role of science and medicine in optimizing well-being. Finally, she shows how patterns of social power and privilege configured this research, with evidence taking different forms over time.

Dongardive, Prakash Bhagwan. „Challenges and Opportunities in Building a Successful Digital Library in Developing Countries“. In Research Anthology on Collaboration, Digital Services, and Resource Management for the Sustainability of Libraries, 976–1005. IGI Global, 2021.

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The present research work describes the use of the electronic resources by the teaching community at Mekelle University, Ethiopia. The survey was conducted by using questionnaires to collect the data. The questionnaires were administrated to total 1516 on duty teaching faculties of seven colleges. Including the College of Natural and Computational Sciences, the College of Veterinary Medicine, the College of Health Science, the College of Law and Governance, the College of Business and Economics, the College of Language and Social Sciences, College Dry Land Agriculture and Natural Resources as well as nine regular institutes including; the Ethiopian Institute of Technology, the Mekelle Institute of Technology, the Institute of Paleo Environment and Heritage Conservation, the Institute of Pedagogical Sciences, the Institute of Geo-Information and Earth Observation Sciences, the Institute of Environment and Gender Development Studies, the Institute of Population Studies, the Institute for Climate and Society, and the Institute for Water and Environment at Mekelle University. The survey also examines the purpose of use, frequency, difficulties, and availability of electronic information resources subscribed by the Mekelle University Digital Library. Finally, the data was interpreted, concluded, and suggestions have been given for improvement of electronic information resources at library web portal.

Thompson, Paul, Ken Plummer und Neli Demireva. „Social divisions: class, gender, ethnicity – and more“. In Pioneering Social Research, 163–98. Policy Press, 2020.

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This chapter shows how social divisions gradually emerged as a key concern in the social sciences. Focusing on early studies that looked at class, race, gender and sexuality, the chapter shows how early controversies anticipated later ones. Class was studied in four ways: through poverty research, community studies, education and culture, and finally through class measurement and mobility studies (The Affluent Worker). Gender for the first time became a very prominent issue in research and many of our pioneers were engaged in building the new feminist stance in social science feminist research (e.g., Ann Oakley, Judith Okely, Pat Caplan, Meg Stacey, Maxine Molyneux and Leonore Davidoff). The Original BSA meeting on Sexual Divisions in 1974 was formative and is discussed along with a series of problems facing women at this time. Ethnicity was also growing — largely through new migration and culture studies in the 1950s and 1960s. Key pioneers here are Robert Moore (who worked with John Rex and the breakthrough book Race, Community and Conflict; and the Jamaican born Harry Golbourne. There is a short comment on sexuality, disability and age to close. The chapter shows how many of the contemporary debates are pre-figured in some of this early work.

Moen, Anne, Catherine Chronaki, Elena Petelos, Despina Voulgaraki, Eva Turk und Aurélie Névéol. „Diversity in Health Informatics: Mentoring and Leadership“. In Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. IOS Press, 2021.

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Diversity, inclusion and interdisciplinary collaboration are drivers for healthcare innovation and adoption of new, technology-mediated services. The importance of diversity has been highlighted by the United Nations’ in SDG5 “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”, to drive adoption of social and digital innovation. Women play an instrumental role in health care and are in position to bring about significant changes to support ongoing digitalization and transformation. At the same time, women are underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). To some extent, the same holds for health care informatics. This paper sums up input to strategies for peer mentoring to ensure diversity in health informatics, to target systemic inequalities and build sustainable, intergenerational communities, improve digital health literacy and build capacity in digital health without losing the human touch.

Muncy, Robyn. „Aspiring Feminist and Social Science Progressive, 1908–1912“. In Relentless Reformer. Princeton University Press, 2014.

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This chapter details events in Josephine Roche's life from 1908 to 1912. Shortly after graduating from Vassar, Roche pursued graduate study at Columbia University in New York City. Her courses and life experiences in New York built directly on the foundation laid by her undergraduate education. Her studies deepened her understanding of the social sciences and gave her feminism more specific shape as she sought explanations for prostitution and what scholars would later call the “gender wage gap.” The longing to be part of the rough and tumble of electoral politics perhaps also gave greater urgency to Roche's work for women's suffrage in New York. On behalf of the cause, she made speeches on street corners, marched in parades, and organized debates at Greenwich House.

Gülker, Silke. „From ‘Science and Religion’ to ‘Transcendence in Science’, or: What We Can Learn from the (History of) Science and Technology Studies“. In Science, Belief and Society, 103–26. Policy Press, 2019.

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This chapter begins by identifying an imbalance in the sociology of science and technology. Across sociology, hardly anyone would object to the idea that science is a social process. Science and technology studies and the sociology of science have deconstructed scientific work and revealed how it is socially embedded in many ways. From this perspective, scientific knowledge is co-produced by scientific and non-scientific actors in a process influenced by class, gender, and culture. Few authors, however, have investigated the role that religion might play in this process of knowledge production. This is striking because this relationship was one of the most important topics in the early stages of sociology of science, which is one of the forerunner fields of science and technology studies. This chapter discusses the work of two pioneering authors in sociology of science, Robert K. Merton and Ludwik Fleck. While Merton’s work can still be inspiring for contemporary investigations of the relationship between science and religion on a meso- and macro-level, Fleck’s concept of ‘thought collectives’ and ‘thought styles’ asks for comparative empirical studies on a micro-level. Against this background, the chapter presents an idea of how to implement such micro-level empirical work beyond the science versus religion dichotomy: specifically, by analyzing transcendence constructions, demonstrated here in the field of stem cell research.

Dinham, Adam, Alp Arat und Martha Shaw. „Religion and belief in university teaching and learning“. In Religion and Belief Literacy, 103–12. Policy Press, 2020.

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This chapter addresses the role of religion and belief in university teaching and learning. In some subjects, of course, religion is simply a topic of relevance, as in history and in religious studies itself. In others, it is a cultural legacy to be decoded and understood. In others again, it embodies the opposite of the rational, scientific method that predominates in higher education, and in relation to which practically all other disciplines have cut their teeth. As such, it is an utter irrelevance. In some cases, this produces hostility against all religious ideas. This is likely to feel painful for some students, who can feel uncomfortable when hearing lecturers be rude or offensive about their beliefs or about belief in general. In the social sciences, unlike race, gender, or sexual orientation, religion has rarely been a variable. The question of the place of religion and belief in university disciplines was explored in the project Reimagining Religion and Belief for Policy and Practice. The study analysed nine arts, humanities, and social science disciplines, including anthropology, cultural studies, geography, philosophy, religious studies, social policy, social work, sociology, and theology.

Vacchelli, Elena. „Doing embodied research: participatory and creative approaches“. In Embodied Research in Migration Studies, 31–48. Policy Press, 2018.

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This chapter provides examples of creative and participatory work done when qualitatively researching race, gender, and migration. The ground-breaking practices developed by voluntary and community organisations and NGOs to help the communities they target is constantly evolving, differs according to the area of intervention, and is not systematically documented or mapped in a coherent body of work. Rather, it is fragmented, unevenly developed within organisations and highly dependent on the context in which these experimentations with creative methods take place. The chapter reviews the experience of third-sector organisations using embodied approaches to engage their service users and discusses examples of research conducted using participatory and creative research methods in the social sciences, before focusing specifically on research which has dealt with embodied methodologies in the field of migration. Colonial relationships in research are considered from a critical perspective.

Hess, David J. „The Politics of Meaning: From Frames to Design Conflicts“. In Undone Science. The MIT Press, 2016.

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The chapter reviews the literature on frame analysis and narratives in social movement studies and the parallel literature in science and technology studies on technological frames, boundary objects, and other cultural dimensions of science and expertise. It suggests the value of materializing the analysis of cultural meaning in the study of social movements and industry by developing the analysis of design conflicts. Three main types of design conflicts are reviewed: those based on social structural conflicts of race, class, and gender; those based on field-level industrial conflicts between incumbent firms and challengers; and those based on the environmental conflict between sustainability and resilience. This chapter uses examples from work on feminism, race, and design; on the solar energy and organic food movements; and on trade-offs between resilience and sustainability at the household and regional levels.

Hollander, Rachelle D. „Expert Claims and Social Decisions: Science, Politics, and Responsibility“. In Acceptable Evidence. Oxford University Press, 1994.

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Concern for relationships among ethics, values, policy, and science and engineering is prominent in modern society. The existence of a program called Ethics and Values Studies in an agency of the U.S. government, the National Science Foundation, provides some evidence of this (Hollander 1987a, 1987b; Hollander and Steneck 1990). The bills introduced in the U.S. Congress to support bio(medical) ethics centers through the National Institutes of Health also provide evidence (U.S. Senate 1988). New initiatives support research and related activities in areas of biomedical ethics in the National Center for Nursing Research and the Office of Human Genome Research in the National Institutes of Health. In July 1988, the Board of Radioactive Waste Management of the National Research Council devoted one day of a four-day retreat to considering the ethical and value aspects of that issue (BRWM 1988). In this chapter I shall attempt to show why such issues occupy particular attention now. My thesis is that a new acknowledgment of our collective moral responsibility is needed because of the political and social context in which science now operates. This context requires more sophisticated scientific and ethical analysis, as well as scientists, engineers, policymakers, interested scholars, and others working together to determine not just acceptable risk but also acceptable evidence. To provide perspective on these matters, we should note that interactions of science, technology, and society have raised these kinds of problems for a long time. A play by Henrik Ibsen, An Enemy of the People, written in 1882, raises all these concerns. An Enemy of the People is a story about the possibility of contamination in the water supply that feeds a town's new mineral baths. The baths attract the summer visitors that have rejuvenated the community. A Dr. Thomas Stockmann has investigated and discovered the problem; he has documented it, and he is delighted to have made the discovery. He, after all, had warned the town fathers about the problem when they designed the water supply, and they did not listen. Now he presents the truth as he sees it—and he sees it in the worst possible light—to his brother Peter, the mayor, who had organized the efforts to construct the baths.

Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Social Work|Health Sciences, Nursing|Gender Studies":


Alwan KARIM, Yasmine. „PSYCHOLOGICAL PRESSURE AT THE ISOLATION HOSPITALS OF CORNA UNIVERSITY AT THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH“. In International Research Congress of Contemporary Studies in Social Sciences (Rimar Congress 2). Rimar Academy, 2021.

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the current research aims to identify: 1- psychological pressure for isolation hospitals in light of the corona pandemic2- the significance of the difference in psychological pressures between the employees of isolation hospitals according to the gender variable (male - female). 3- the significance of the difference in psychological pressures among the employees of isolation hospitals according to the scientific qualification variable (doctor-nurse). 4- the significance of the difference in psychological stress among the employees of isolation hospitals according to the years of service (4 years, minus 10 years and above) 5- the significance of the difference in psychological pressures among the employees of isolation hospitals according to marital status (married - single). the results of the search reached the following: 1- the employees of isolation hospitals in light of the corona pandemic suffer from high psychological pressure. 2- there are no statistically significant differences in psychological stress among isolation hospital employees according to the gender variable (male-female) 3- there are statistically significant differences in the psychological stress of isolation hospital employees according to the scientific qualification (doctor-nurse) in favor of the nurse4- there are no statistically significant differences in psychological stress among isolation hospitals' employees according to the years of service (4 years, min-10 years and above) 5- there are no statistically significant differences in psychological stress among isolation hospital employees according to marital status (married - single).

Syahriani, Melly Nirma. „Risk Factors of Stunting in Children Under Five Years of Age: A Systematic Review“. In The 7th International Conference on Public Health 2020. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2020.

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ABSTRACT Background: Stunting, a chronic malnutrition, remains a serious global health concern. In 2019, UNICEF announced that 21.3% of children under five years of age were stunted. This study aimed to analyze the factors associated with stunting to complement the evidence for stunting ongoing efforts. Subjects and Method: A systematic review was conducted by searching from Science Direct, Wiley, EBSCO, and PubMed databases. The studies were synthesized by PEOS (Population, Exposure, Objective, and Study design), then appraised by Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tools. The keywords were (((determinant) OR (causal factor) OR (risk factor)) AND (stunting)) AND ((toddler) OR (child)) OR (fives)) OR (Baby under five years old)). The inclusion criteria were English-language and primary studied full-text articles published in peer-reviewed journals between 2009 and 2019. The exclusion criteria were opinion papers and review articles. Results: The prevalence of stunted children under five was 21.9% globally. A total of selected eleven articles examined the causes of stunting in Low Middle-Income Countries (LMIC). Nine articles stated that gender and socio-economic factors associated with stunting. Six articles discussed the relationship between maternal age and stunting. Four articles revealed that maternal education level was one of the determinants of stunting. Two articles stated that nutritional status is strongly related to stunting. One article connected overweight as a contributing factor to stunting. Conclusion: Stunting in Low Middle-Income Countries (LMIC) is associated with age, gender, socio-economy, maternal education level, nutritional status, and overweight children. Keywords: stunting, children under five years, risk factor Correspondence: Melly Nirma Syahriani. Master Program of Midwifery, Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta. Jl. Siliwangi (Ringroad Barat) No. 63, Nogotirto, Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta, 55292. Email: Mobile: +62895392131591. DOI:

Nietner, Larissa F., und David R. Wallace. „The Social Impact of STEM, Experienced: Studies With an Engineering Design Concept for Smart Devices“. In ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.

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The government has been allocating multi-billion Dollar budgets to STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education. Several programs aim to educate girls about STEM and STEAM (STEM and arts). It’s a national goal to create equal opportunities for all genders and increase diversity in STEM fields. We propose that the emerging values and social needs of middle school girls must be considered when creating learning experiences for them, and that appropriate design experiences can make engineering problems engaging and relatable. It has been shown that purposefulness is a critical factor for making engineering attractive to girls. Compared to boys, girls initially perceive engineering to be less socially impactful, yet girls place a higher value on social impact at an earlier age. This paper provides a broad review of relevant literature. It is proposed that creative, innovative engineering activities with perceived social impact may motivate middle and high school girls and build their confidence in the ability to impact people’s lives with technology they create. This work tests this hypothesis using different forms of a design activity that enables students to collaboratively build personal and wearable smart devices. Examples of creations based upon this design toolkit include medical bracelets, physical activity monitoring, and other devices. The paper outlines the development of the toolkit and design activity through various stages of abstraction, and provides novel ways of prototyping design experiences. Three stages of development are implemented and tested with adolescent girls, offering new working methods for the human-centered, iterative process of designing such a toolkit. The first stage of toolkit prototypes consists of sketch models with a physical and digital component; focus groups were used to gain in-depth qualitative data. The second stage of toolkit prototypes consists of cardboard prototypes that allow for interaction mimicking the final design experience. It was used to gather data on design interests of different gender and age groups. The third stage of toolkit prototypes, consisting of computing devices with a simple interface, allowed for conducting experimental workshops to quantitatively investigate participants’ self-efficacy and design and engineering interest both before and after the intervention. A fundamental change in many girls’ mindset was observed in multiple experiments. Findings about requirements for design activities with similar goals are summarized and supported though responses of female middle-school students, who participated in the presented studies.

Birch, Jack, Rebecca Jones, Julia Mueller, Matthew McDonald, Rebecca Richards, Michael Kelly, Simon Griffin und Amy Ahern. „A systematic review of inequalities in the uptake of, adherence to and effectiveness of behavioural weight management interventions“. In Building Bridges in Medical Science 2021. Cambridge Medicine Journal, 2021.

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Background: It has been suggested that interventions focusing on individual behaviour change, such as behavioural weight management interventions, may exacerbate health inequalities. These intervention-generated inequalities may occur at different stages, including intervention uptake, adherence and effectiveness. We conducted a systematic review to synthesise evidence on how different measures of inequality moderate the uptake of, adherence to and effectiveness of behavioural weight management interventions in adults. Methods: We updated a previous systematic literature review from the US Preventive Services Taskforce to identify trials of behavioural weight management interventions in adults that could be conducted in or recruited from primary care. Medline, Cochrane database (CENTRAL) and PsycINFO were searched. Only randomised controlled trials and cluster-randomised controlled trials were included. Two investigators independently screened articles for eligibility and conducted risk of bias assessment. We curated publication families for eligible trials. The PROGRESS-Plus acronym (place of residence, race/ethnicity, occupation, gender, religion, education, socioeconomic status, social capital, plus other discriminating factors) was used to consider a comprehensive range of health inequalities. Data on trial uptake, intervention adherence, weight change, and PROGRESS-Plus related-data were extracted. Results: Data extraction in currently underway. A total of 108 studies are included in the review. Data will be synthesised narratively and through the use of Harvest Plots. A Harvest plot for each PROGRESS-Plus criterion will be presented, showing whether each trial found a negative, positive or no health inequality gradient. We will also identify potential sources of unpublished original research data on these factors which can be synthesised through a future individual participant data meta- analysis. Conclusions and implications: The review findings will contribute towards the consideration of intervention-generated inequalities by researchers, policy makers and healthcare and public health practitioners. Authors of trials included in the completed systematic review may be invited to collaborate on a future IPD meta-analysis. PROSPERO registration number: CRD42020173242

Ettema, Roelof, Goran Gumze, Katja Heikkinen und Kirsty Marshall. „European Integrated Care Horizon 2020: increase societal participation; reduce care demands and costs“. In CARPE Conference 2019: Horizon Europe and beyond. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2019.

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BackgroundCare recipients in care and welfare are increasingly presenting themselves with complex needs (Huber et al., 2016). An answer to this is the integrated organization of care and welfare in a way that personalized care is the measure (Topol, 2016). The reality, however, is that care and welfare are still mainly offered in a standardized, specialized and fragmented way. This imbalance between the need for care and the supply of care not only leads to under-treatment and over-treatment and thus to less (experienced) quality, but also entails the risk of mis-treatment, which means that patient safety is at stake (Berwick, 2005). It also leads to a reduction in the functioning of citizens and unnecessary healthcare cost (Olsson et al, 2009).Integrated CareIntegrated care is the by fellow human beings experienced smooth process of effective help, care and service provided by various disciplines in the zero line, the first line, the second line and the third line in healthcare and welfare, as close as possible (Ettema et al, 2018; Goodwin et al, 2015). Integrated care starts with an extensive assessment with the care recipient. Then the required care and services in the zero line, the first line, the second line and / or the third line are coordinated between different care providers. The care is then delivered to the person (fellow human) at home or as close as possible (Bruce and Parry, 2015; Evers and Paulus, 2015; Lewis, 2015; Spicer, 2015; Cringles, 2002).AimSupport societal participation, quality of live and reduce care demand and costs in people with complex care demands, through integration of healthcare and welfare servicesMethods (overview)1. Create best healthcare and welfare practices in Slovenia, Poland, Austria, Norway, UK, Finland, The Netherlands: three integrated best care practices per involved country 2. Get insight in working mechanisms of favourable outcomes (by studying the contexts, mechanisms and outcomes) to enable personalised integrated care for meeting the complex care demand of people focussed on societal participation in all integrated care best practices.3. Disclose program design features and requirements regarding finance, governance, accountability and management for European policymakers, national policy makers, regional policymakers, national umbrella organisations for healthcare and welfare, funding organisations, and managers of healthcare and welfare organisations.4. Identify needs of healthcare and welfare deliverers for creating and supporting dynamic partnerships for integrating these care services for meeting complex care demands in a personalised way for the client.5. Studying desired behaviours of healthcare and welfare professionals, managers of healthcare and welfare organisations, members of involved funding organisations and national umbrella organisations for healthcare and welfare, regional policymakers, national policy makers and European policymakersInvolved partiesAlma Mater Europaea Maribor Slovenia, Jagiellonian University Krakow Poland, University Graz Austria, Kristiania University Oslo Norway, Salford University Manchester UK, University of Applied Sciences Turku Finland, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht The Netherlands (secretary), Rotterdam Stroke Service The Netherlands, Vilans National Centre of Expertise for Long-term Care The Netherlands, NIVEL Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, International Foundation of Integrated Care IFIC.References1. Berwick DM. The John Eisenberg Lecture: Health Services Research as a Citizen in Improvement. Health Serv Res. 2005 Apr; 40(2): 317–336.2. Bruce D, Parry B. Integrated care: a Scottish perspective. London J Prim Care (Abingdon). 2015; 7(3): 44–48.3. Cringles MC. Developing an integrated care pathway to manage cancer pain across primary, secondary and tertiary care. International Journal of Palliative Nursing. 2002 May 8;247279.4. Ettema RGA, Eastwood JG, Schrijvers G. Towards Evidence Based Integrated Care. International journal of integrated care 2018;18(s2):293. DOI: 10.5334/ijic.s22935. Evers SM, Paulus AT. Health economics and integrated care: a growing and challenging relationship. Int J Integr Care. 2015 Jun 17;15:e024.6. Goodwin N, Dixon A, Anderson G, Wodchis W. Providing integrated care for older people with complex needs: lessons from seven international case studies. King’s Fund London; 2014.7. Huber M, van Vliet M, Giezenberg M, Winkens B, Heerkens Y, Dagnelie PC, Knottnerus JA. Towards a 'patient-centred' operationalisation of the new dynamic concept of health: a mixed methods study. BMJ Open. 2016 Jan 12;6(1):e010091. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-0100918. Lewis M. Integrated care in Wales: a summary position. London J Prim Care (Abingdon). 2015; 7(3): 49–54.9. Olsson EL, Hansson E, Ekman I, Karlsson J. A cost-effectiveness study of a patient-centred integrated care pathway. 2009 65;1626–1635.10. Spicer J. Integrated care in the UK: variations on a theme? London J Prim Care (Abingdon). 2015; 7(3): 41–43.11. Topol E. (2016) The Patient Will See You Now. The Future of Medicine Is in Your Hands. New York: Basic Books.

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